دسته بندی ها
Microsoft 365 - Business
Microsoft 365 - Business
Microsoft 365 Apps for Business
$170.50/yrسفارش دهید
The Office suite for PC and Mac with apps for tablets and phones, plus 1 TB personal file storage and sharing. Does not include email service. For organizations with up to 300 users.
(prev Office 365 Business and Office 365 ProPlus)
The Office suite for PC and Mac with apps for tablets and phones, plus 1 TB personal file storage and sharing. Does not include email service. For organizations with up to 300 users.
Microsoft 365 Business Basic (prev Essentials)
$118.00/yrسفارش دهید
Online versions of Office with email, instant messaging, HD video conferencing, plus 1 TB personal file storage and sharing. Does not include Office suite for PC or Mac. For organization with up to 300 users.
Online versions of Office with email, instant messaging, HD video conferencing, plus 1 TB personal file storage and sharing. Does not include Office suite for PC or Mac. For organization with up to 300 users.
Microsoft 365 Business Standard
$249.50/yrسفارش دهید
The Office suite for PC and Mac with apps for tablets and phones, plus email, instant messaging, HD video conferencing, 1 TB personal file storage and sharing. For organizations with up to 300 users.
(prev Office 365 Business Premium)
The Office suite for PC and Mac with apps for tablets and phones, plus email, instant messaging, HD video conferencing, 1 TB personal file storage and sharing. For organizations with up to 300 users.
Microsoft Office 365 Business Premium
$411.00/yrسفارش دهید
$150.00 هزینه تنظیم-
Best for businesses that need Office applications plus cloud file storage and sharing on PC, Mac, or mobile. Business email not included.
Advanced security + device management
(prev Microsoft 365 Business)
Best for businesses that need Office applications plus cloud file storage and sharing on PC, Mac, or mobile. Business email not included.
هزینه تنظیم
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